Our Management

CTJ is run by a board of up to twelve Trustees. All the Trustees are professional people who give their time to the affairs of the Trust voluntarily. The present Trustees are as follows:

Our Management

Advocate Charles Thacker


Advocate Charles Thacker succeeded Diarmuid Lynes in March, 2017. He has been a Trustee since 1995. He is a Jersey Advocate and a Partner of Viberts, as well as the former President of the Law Society of Jersey.

Advocate Zoe Blomfield


Advocate Zoe Blomfield is the Managing Partner of Viberts. Viberts deal with all property related matters on behalf of the Trust. Zoe is an Advocate and became a Trustee in December 2015 bringing with her a wealth of experience in dealing with personal law and social issues.

Andrew Jelley


Andrew Jelley is a retired architect and has been a Trustee since 1995. He has advised on the design and commissioning of the Trust’s new build properties and general building matters.

Angela Le Sueur


Angela Le Sueur is a retired teacher who has been a Trustee since 2001 and was appointed because of her interest in social justice and fair housing for all.

Mike Larbalestier


Mike Larbalestier is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment. He has been an Investment Manager/Director locally since 1984, working for Rossborough Financial, Abacus, Morgan Grenfell, and Quilter Goodison. He joined the Trust in February 2012.

James Reed


James Reed was appointed as a Trustee in November 2015. He is owner and Managing Director of Beau Pre Farm Limited, a company which currently owns and manages both residential and commercial property. After spending 12 years in the States, James has gained a wide range of experience in all aspects of government which will be very useful in his new role.

Stephen Ogborn


Stephen Ogborn has been in Jersey since 2008 and heads up the Commercial Banking division of Lloyds Bank International. Stephen was appointed Trustee in December 2017 and is particularly involved with the financing arrangements of the Trust.

Simon Barrows


Simon Barrows is a Chartered Electrical Engineer and is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers. Simon is the Head Mechanical and Electrical Manager for Legendre Construction. He has a wealth of experience within the construction industry and is passionate about sustainability.

Lorraine Wheeler


Lorraine Wheeler worked as a professional trustee for 36 years in UK, Bermuda, Switzerland and Jersey and retired from the Trust Industry in 2022, having headed up STEP Jersey and Jersey Association of Trust Companies. Lorraine now works for the Jersey Methodist Circuit, assisting the ministers with community work and pastoral support and is studying part time as a Student Presbyter. Lorraine volunteered to become a Trustee in 2023 as she is keen to use her experience to assist such a worthwhile cause.

Professional Advisors

Grant Thornton


Grant Thornton Channel Islands were appointed as Treasurer to the Trust on 10th June, 2021.

Maillard & Co

Managing Agents

Maillard & Co are the Managing Agents for all CTJ Housing Trust properties